Which Orchestra is right for me?
SYO has many different orchestras and ensembles. Explore our orchestral pathway below to start your SYO journey.
The SYO Strings Program caters for string players from their first year of playing.
The Symphonic Orchestral Program caters for string, brass, woodwind and percussion players who are at least AMEB Grade 5 or equivalent. From Stage 1 onwards, all SYO musicians must re-audition each year.
The Sydney Youth Orchestra is the top tier of our orchestral training program and attracts the best pre-professional musicians from across the state.
(AMEB grades are given here as a guide only. SYO does not require musicians to complete AMEB or other formal examinations. Offers for orchestras are made based on audition performance only, not AMEB level)

STANDARD: First year of playing up until AMEB Grade 2 or equivalent - Open to primary school aged orchestral string musicians - Musicians must be learning from a private instrumental teacher and have their own instrument. No audition is needed.

Stage 1 Strings
STANDARD: Minimum AMEB Grade 2 or equivalent - Ability to play in first position in keys of up to 2 sharps & 1 flat - Open to orchestral string players who audition - Recommended Age 6+

Stage 2 Strings
STANDARD: - Minimum AMEB Grade 3 or equivalent - Ability to play in first to third position in keys of up to 3 sharps & 2 flat - Previous ensemble experiences required - Open to orchestral string players who audition - Recommended Age 6+

Stage 3 Strings
STANDARD: - Minimum AMEB Grade 4 or equivalent - Ability to play in first to fifth position in keys of up to 4 sharps & 3 flat - Previous ensemble experiences required - Open to orchestral string players who audition - Recommended Age 6+

Richard Gill Chamber Orchestra
STANDARD: Minimum: AMEB Grade 6 or equivalent - Very high standard ability of first to fifth position playing in keys of up to 5 sharps & 4 flat - Previous ensemble experiences required - Open to orchestral string players who audition - Recommended Age 12+

Western Sydney Youth Orchestra
STANDARD: Minimum AMEB Grade 5 or equivalent - Musicians who live in Western Sydney - Open to Strings, Woodwind, Brass and Percussion - Recommended Age 12+ (SYO only accepts brass and woodwind players who are turning 12 or above)

Symphonic Wind Orchestra
STANDARD: Minimum AMEB Grade 6 or equivalent - Previous large ensemble experience required - Open to Woodwind, Brass and Percussion only - Recommended Age 12+ (SYO only accepts brass and woodwind players who are turning 12 and above)

Peter Seymour Orchestra
STANDARD: Minimum AMEB Grade 7 or equivalent - Previous large ensemble experience required - Open to Strings, Woodwind, Percussion and Horn - Recommended Age 12+ (SYO only accepts brass and woodwind players who are turning 12 and above)

The Philharmonic
STANDARD: Minimum AMEB Grade 8 or equivalent - Previous large ensemble experience required - Open to Strings, Woodwind, Brass and Percussion - Recommended Age 14 to 25

The Sydney Youth Orchestra
MINIMUM STANDARD: AMEB AMusA minimum or equivalent - Significant previous large orchestral experience required - Open to Strings, Woodwind, Brass and Percussion - Recommended Age 14 to 25