YOC Showcase Armidale

12pm Saturday, April 20
Lazenby Hall, University of New England
University of New England Armidale NSW 2350
UNE Armidale Campus (arcgis.com)
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YOC Showcase Armidale
Join Sydney Youth Orchestras and 300 of NSW’s finest young orchestral musicians at a showcase concert at Lazenby Hall UNE Armidale.
The concert features the Richard Gill Chamber Orchestra, Western Sydney Youth Orchestra, Peter Seymour Orchestra, Symphonic Wind Orchestra with 50 regional guest musicians, lead by conductors Kate Morgan, Dr. Sadaharu Muramatsu, James Pensini and Tyler Wilkinson.
SYO’s Youth Orchestral Camp (YOC) will see SYO in collaboration with regional guest musicians from across NSW for a five-day residential camp. The Armidale Showcase is the culmination of an intensive, immersive week of musicmaking. Sit back and be carried away by the music and the joy of the orchestras, as they celebrate a week of dedicated rehearsals, hard work, creating music and building community, distilled into a powerful concert.
The Youth Orchestral Camp program has been established with the support of Create NSW. YOC provides young musicians from across regional NSW with the opportunity to access high-level orchestral tuition through large ensemble rehearsals, instrumental tutorials and performances.