2022 Winter School Regional Scholarship Application 

2022 Winter School Regional Scholarship Application 

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Any applicant who is a primary or secondary school student and resides at least 200km from Sydney CBD is eligible to apply. 

If you have any questions feel free to contact the SYO Office on 9251 2422, or by email to daniel.placido@syo.com.au

 Student - Winter School Regional Scholarship Applicant Details

Optional Question
SYO is committed to creating an environment where participants,
regardless of gender expression, can feel safe to learn



This will be the primary contact address for information regarding this scholarship information. 

Instrument Details

- Please note that SYO does not provide piano tuition.
- Saxophone and Euphonium applicants are advised that they will be placed in the Symphonic Wind Orchestra and are not able to audition for the Winter School Orchestra.

Parent / Guardian Details

Applicant Education Information 

Supporting Documentation for Application  

Applicant  - Living Information   

Below $30,000 $30,000 - $80,000 $80,000 and $120,000 $120,000 - $160,000 $160,000 +

Employment Status of Household  

Regional Information
